"Thank a Veteran"

When your morning rise,

Sees freedom’s skies,

Thank a veteran.


When you vote your say,

On election day,

Thank a veteran.


When you Sunday go,

To the church you know,

Thank a veteran.


When you travel wide,

With no need to hide,

Thank a veteran.


When the wolf’s at the door,

Then he’s dead on the floor,

Thank a veteran.


For all that has been,

And we  hope for again,

Thank a veteran.

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13, NIV)

In this passage Jesus was talking about friendship and love. He knew He was about to become the ultimate friend of sinners by laying down His life on the cross. In this conversation He commanded His disciples to love each other the way He loved them, which was a sacrificial love. We see many examples of what Jesus talked about, but one of the greatest is the willingness for those who serve in our military to lay down their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. On this Veterans Day it’s good to remember.

Lord, we thank You for those who have been willing to sacrifice themselves so that we can live in freedom, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain