
You might find a better way,

To get your worship done,

I like to give thanks horseback,

With the rising of the sun.


And when I’m riding circle,

And far away from noise,

I can feel His presence,

Like lots of horseback boys.


But when God’s people gather,

I like to do that, too,

Whether old hymns or new ones,

Either one will do.


Some do it quiet and formal,

For them that’s reverence, see,

And others are exuberant,

And make more noise than me.


Some gather with their thousands,

And some with just a few,

Jesus said with two or three,

He’d show up it is true.


He also said there is no place,

That’s where you get praise done,

Spirit and the truth He said,

Not where but how you come.


Some say no happy clappy,

And keep those shouts away,

We must be in order,

To make sure we’re okay.


Others think we all fall down,

If we get the pow’r,

Pay time no attention,

And go hour after hour.


Find your own connection with the Spirit,

And make sure you love what’s true,

And then do with your worship,

What you feel led to do.


But if someone does it different,

Just learn to let it go,

Cut some slack and give some grace,

And don’t disrupt the flow,


Of what the Lord is doing,

He Inhabits people’s praise,

Our destiny is worship,

And we His banner raise.

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth…” (John 4:23, NIV)

When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman about worship it was in answer to her argument about where it should happen. It was not about where but how. And Jesus’ answer to how was: spirit and truth. If you have spirit and truth, then you can authentically worship. If you don’t, it really doesn’t matter where. It was the type of music, liturgy, volume, location, and any of the other things Christians argue about. Just spirit and truth, that’s it. What if those two thing were our only concern? I think it would be better, don’t you?

Lord, help us learn to worship You in spirit and in truth, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, artofacowboy.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain