"The God Part"
We have people saying,
That God’s name has to go,
It offends the irreligious,
And not okay to show.
They have the right to say it,
They’re free to speak their mind,
But let’s be clear about it,
It would be hard to find,
A single founding paper,
That doesn’t have that name,
The founders weren’t all Christians,
But their world view was the same.
Endowed by our Creator,
With certain, basic rights,
Not given by the government,
So we could freely shine our lights..
They strongly believed it,
And paid the price you see,
For unbelievers’ freedom,
Who strongly disagree.
It’s seems a bit ironic,
That “In God We Trust,”
Still is on the money,
That we spend in such a rush.
Doesn’t seem to matter,
With one nation under Him,
‘Course there are pledge detractors,
But I’m not one of them.
You don’t have to faith it,
Or worship anyplace,
But we still have a country,
That gives the Lord some space.
So maybe think about it,
Leave our history alone,
That includes the God part,
Of America our home.
“If the Son sets you free, you are truly free…” (John 8:36, NLT)
Freedom is a precious gift. The freedoms we have just celebrated on Independence Day are unique in the history of the world. Never have so many people enjoyed so many freedoms for so long a duration, as we have in America. But despite these blessings, there is a greater freedom still. And that is the spiritual freedom promised by Jesus Christ. When we turn to Him in faith and surrender our lives, His Spirit can free us from every sin, hurt, bondage, addiction, and spiritual stronghold. He can even free us from ourselves, which is the greatest freedom of all. If He sets us free, we are free indeed.
Lord, free us from everything that prevents us from being all You have designed us to be, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jamie Means, jamiemeanswesternart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jamie, and God bless you.