
There is where I’m going,

But I wonder where,

It’s up to God to tell me,

That’s why I must take care.

My pony I have saddled,

I’ve stepped on to ride,

I’m going there but only,

Know Jesus is my guide.

Some folks are always saying,

The Lord said that or this,

And I’m not one to question,

If that’s the way it is.

With me it’s more like Abram,

‘Cause all he heard was go,

And he just went a-traveling,

But where he did not know.

The old King James will tell it,

That Abram sure was sent,

He left not knowing whither,

He walked by faith and went.

That’s just the way I’m feeling,

And really that’s okay,

Don’t have to be persuaded,

To just be on my way.

The Book it tells it plainly,

Abe found God’s promised place,

And that’s because He ever,

Sought the Good Lord’s face.

I can place this journey,

All in the Savior’s hand,

And He can cause this journey,

To find that promised land.

“…He went without knowing where he was going…” (Hebrews 11:8, NLT)

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain