
Foot’s in the stirrup,

Reins in my hand,

Throw my leg over,

Yes, I still can.


How long can I do it?

Can’t help but think,

I am no rookie,

And my hopes would sink,


If I thought soon over,

And horseback no more,

If I couldn’t cowboy,

Like I have before.


But let me say something,

Might surprise you to know,

When I do arrive there,

And can no longer go,


I’ll trust in the Good Lord,

To keep me at peace,

All that I once did,

To Him I’ll release.


I’ll keep on rejoicing,

And give God the praise,

Let nothing prevent me,

His banner to raise.


And when this life is over,

I cross to heaven’s fields,

I know that He is waiting,

And believe that range is real.


And Jesus will come riding,

On that big, white horse of His,

And I think He will pony,

One planned for me and this,




Together in that yonder,

Life’s mists are burned away,

The shadows and the fever,

And no more tears can stay.


There my foot is in that stirrup,

Reins there in my hand,

Leg over on that pony,

Ride through the Promised Land.

“So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord.” (2 Cor. 5:6, NLT).

This life is not really about this life at all. This life is all about the life to come. Paul writes that while we live on earth we are not “at home” with the Lord. Living by faith means, among other things, that what we physically do is determined by what we spiritually believe. Our priorities, values, mission and purpose are all determined by an eternal rather than temporal perspective. Are we focused on heaven or something less? I know, one can be so heavenly-minded they are no earthly good. But there just aren’t that many people who have this problem. Most are too earthly minded to be of any heavenly good! It’s important that this life be constantly re-evaluated and re-focused in the light of heaven.

Lord, help us focus on eternity, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Cody Witham, codywitham.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Cody, and God bless you.

Art by Cody Witham, codywitham.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Cody, and God bless you.

Brad McClain