"There's Two"
Inside of every single man,
There lives not one, but two,
Who fight against each other,
And most admit it’s true.
One is full of ego,
And swells with foolish pride,
The other one is humble,
And wants to take God’s side.
One reacts with anger,
Demands to have its way,
The other is much calmer,
And lets things go okay.
One feeds on lustful pleasure,
The other lives for love,
The one can be dishonest,
The other speaks from truth above.
One can be religious,
But it’s only a form,
That denies the power,
But claims to be the norm,
The other wants to worship,
In Spirit and in truth,
Points only to Jesus,
In order, not uncouth.
One is quite rebellious,
Flouts all authority,
The other one is broken,
To Jesus bows the knee.
That old self will not be tamed,
It simply has to die,
On the cross with Jesus,
And that’s the truth, no lie.
The new self is authentic,
Created by the Spirit,
And it will bear the Spirit’s fruit,
And aren’t we glad to hear it.
Beneath the inner struggle,
Is a choice to make each day,
To die to that old ego,
Let the Spirit have His way.
And if we choose death daily,
The life of Jesus flows,
Through the simplest vessel,
As every humble person knows.
So come and die with Jesus,
It’s the only way to live,
The new you is the real one,
New identity He’ll give.
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24, NIV)
The old self will do anything but die, but dying is the only way to properly deal with it. If we choose to die to self on a daily basis, we are taking up our cross to follow Jesus and surrendering control to Him. We are relying on the Holy Spirit to live the life of Jesus through us, and we are unconcerned about recognition or approval. What we do is for the glory of God and the bondage of self-credit, self-glory, and self-promotion is no longer necessary. Praise the Lord.
Lord, help us to die to self daily, in Jesus’ name.