"This World"

This world is anorexic,

Dehydrated, too,

Thinks its full with all it needs,

And doesn’t have a clue,

That it’s running fast on empty,

On a quick track to nowhere,

A sales pitch, come, go with us,

Though there is no real care,

That you will fill what’s empty,

Or you will end up right,

Just come on board and let’s go,

Quick fix if you’re uptight.

But never gives the answer,

And never meets the need,

Because this world, it runs on,

Lust, power, and greed.

Though those things are tempting,

And give you something quick,

We’re unsatisfied, still empty,

Dehydrated and sick.

God gives living water,

God gives living bread,

God alone can satisfy,

That’s just what He said.

And when we let Him do it,

Through Jesus Christ the Son,

And by the Spirit flowing freely,

Based on what He’s done.

The cross of Jesus dying,

The blood that Jesus shed,

And by the Spirit rising,

Boldly from the dead.

And when I do believe it,

Turn from the worldly way,

He’ll satisfy my hunger,

And all my thirst today.

The bread come down from heaven,

The flowing river, too,

Can fill all of our longing,

What God alone can do.

“Do not love the world…” (1 John 2:15, NIV)

When John speaks of the world he is not talking about God’s creation. Rather, he’s describing a world system that rejects God. It runs on the “cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does…” How true. And so we are called to love the Lord and turn from this godless system. But it’s not that easy to do, since we have to live in this world yet try not to be enamored by it. It’s probably a tension that will last our entire lives, but one that we can overcome in the power of the Spirit. All the world offers is merely a counterfeit for the living bread and water Jesus offers. May we allow Him to quench our thirst and feed us today.

Lord, help us to find all our satisfaction in You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission.  Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.

Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.

Brad McClain