"This World"

The trouble with this world today,

May not be what you think,

So many voices have their say,

But see their best hopes sink.


And that’s because there is a fight,

It’s raged since time began,

Between the darkness and the light,

According to God’s plan.


And as the end draws near, you see,

The lines will become clear,

Darkness will e’en darker be,

As the end of time gets near.


And all that is occurring,

Was written in God’s Book,

And with the Spirit’s stirring,

It’s time we take a look.


As hearts of men grow colder,

And call the truth a lie,

Whether young folks or the older,

They’re all puffed up with pride.


Don’t believe in right or wrong,

Have no self-control,

Betray their friends they’ve known so long,

That’s just the way they roll.


So we should not be so surprised,

When things become this way,

Let God’s people be advised,

By what He has to say.


And all those who call on His name,

Will still salvation find,

The grace to save is there the same,

We still can loose and bind.


Remember Christ is coming,

One day to make things right,

Don’t let this culture’s numbing,

Extinguish heaven’s light.


Humbly honor Jesus,

Love each other, too,

Don’t forget He sees us,

And all He’s said He’ll do.


Be ready and be joyous,

Your redemption draweth near,

The evil can’t destroy us,

The Lord will soon be here.

“…in the last days there will be very difficult times…” (2 Timothy 3:1, NLT)

Paul warned Timothy that the last days would be difficult or as the older translation says, “perilous.” Nobody wants hard times, do we? Nope! What do we want? Better times. Easier times. Times when things go smoothly, safely and predictably. But we are naive if we do not take seriously the warning of scripture. This current cultural milieu is troubling, especially to thinking Christians. We see a deterioration of morals, marriage and the family, and basic civility. There is a great surge in violence and perversion, and children are at risk at a much younger age than before. But we should not. be surprised. This is exactly what the Bible describes will be the case before Jesus returns. I have no idea the actual time or date this will happen. No one does. But, we should live expectantly and with spiritual focus, as never before.

Lord, help us to realize that everything Your Word tells us is true, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Michael Magill, michaelmagillphotography1775.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Michael, and God bless you.

Brad McClain