Time runs and then it’s over,
At least for you and me,
Then it keeps on going,
Without us, don’t you see.
We try not to think about it,
Just live and let things flow,
Without too much attention,
To when it’s gone, you know.
But true the end is coming,
And the question yet remains,
Are we getting ready,
Or burdened with life’s stains.
Some naïve about it,
Think they can earn their way,
If God judges behavior,
He’ll weigh it out and say,
You’ve done enough of good things,
To outweigh all your bad,
So come on into heaven,
It’s more than all you’ve had.
But that can never happen,
Because we cannot earn,
What alone must be given,
A truth we all must learn.
So when the end approaches,
The thing we’d better know,
Is if we have received it,
Real faith will always show.
Put our trust in Jesus,
And in His sacrifice,
Believe that He was raised again,
And that He paid the price,
To absolve and forgive us,
Of every single sin,
Believe and then confess Him,
And you’ll be born again.
And that will make us ready,
And it’s the only way,
We can find assurance,
About our dying day.
So are you getting ready,
Or just biding time,
The end is getting closer,
This verse is to remind.
“God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God…” (Eph. 2:8, NLT)
Salvation defines time and eternity. The Son of God came from eternity and entered time for one reason: to bring us salvation. He accomplished this by dying on the cross and being raised from the dead. His death satisfied God’s justice and served as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins. His resurrection overcame death, which the Bible calls the “wages” of our sin. In this way God offers us the way to be saved and assured of our eternal destiny. It’s His only provision, and all other ideas about getting there are inadequate and ineffective, including the notion that somehow we might be able to earn our way to heaven. Wrong. Trusting Jesus to save us is the only way. Find it.
Lord, give us Your salvation, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mr. Price, and God bless you.