"Today Somewhere"

Today somewhere in this old world,

Old cowboy says good-bye,

Life’s grip slips to make the trip,

To his home in the sky.


Today somewhere in this old world,

A baby boy is born,

The doctor’s slap sounds like a clap,

It’s his life’s early morn.


From birth to death and in between,

So much that this life gives,

The ups and downs and smiles and frowns,

For all the years we live.


Yet God offers abundant life,

In spite of this world’s hell,

His grace comes through for all we do,

And honest truth to tell,


If we receive the gift you see,

That Jesus died to give,

He’ll wash us clean, forgive our mean,

And we’ll forever live.


To know the Son is life indeed,

Without Him we are lost,

Though the need, extreme indeed,

The Good Lord paid the cost.


Bought by the blood of Jesus,

Redeemed and reconciled,

Through grace secure, it will endure,

Assured we are God’s child.


So do not doubt it, brother,

And, sister, know it’s true,

Amazing grace that took our place,

God sure loves me and you.


Today somewhere a soul is saved,

The angels loud rejoice,

And by His grace, they’ll see His face,

Because they made this choice.

“And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” (1 John 5:11, NAS)

The eternal investment that God the Father made in His Son’s death and resurrection is offered to us free of charge. We receive by faith what Jesus sacrificed His life to give us- eternal life. This does not simply mean that we will live after we have died. It means that the quality of our lives changes because we experience the presence of the Lord in a new way. He has always been with us, but comes to live inside us when we surrender to His grace. Jesus is eternal life, and when we have the Son we have the life.

Lord, help us to experience abundant and eternal life, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Shawn Cameron, used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.

Brad McClain