"Never Going Back"

I’m never going back,

To a life of pain and lack,

When Jesus gives me everything I need.

My hand is on the plow,

And by God’s grace somehow,

I’ll trust in Him my hungry soul to feed.


I’ve had my share of grief,

But Jesus brings relief,

And everyone should realize how much.

It’s up to us to show,

To all who need to know,

The joy that comes from Jesus’ healing touch.


Our culture has grown cold,

And all both young and old,

Are addicted to our own technology,

It’s harder to connect,

Or even to expect,

Them to open up with honesty.


But then you find that one,

Who finds the race they’ve run,

Is just about as lonely as can be.

They’re ready news to hear,

That God’s love is so near.

Jesus died to save and set them free.


The devil does his best,

To keep them from God’s rest,

To blind their minds to what is life indeed.

But the Spirit does His part,

To touch their lonely heart,

And let them know that God will meet their need.


And then the lights come on,

And all the darkness gone,

A heart reborn is what we love to see.

Because somebody cared,

And their testimony shared,

Jesus saves their soul eternally.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NAS)

There are two points that jump off the page with this verse. One is that God’s love takes action. He doesn’t just say He loves us, but demonstrates it. How? By sending His Son to die for us. Second, He does this while we were “still sinners.” This means that He knows us best and cannot be surprised by anything we have done. In spite of this, He loves us. When we really know how much God loves us our lives will change.

Lord, change us with Your love, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain