
What is it that you need to know,

For you to know what’s true,

Does it make any difference,

What others say and do?

If you believe there is a God,

But those who say He’s there,

Are always causing problems,

And never even care.

Is God non-existent,

Because they show no proof,

Or maybe God is real, all right,

But He remains aloof.

So how does one determine,

The answer to believe,

When you add up every factor,

What do you receive?

Someone made this suggestion,

A long, long time ago,

That we start by asking,

God the truth to show.

Yes, it may sound crazy,

‘Cause if you are not sure,

Why would you talk to Him,

‘Bout finding life’s true cure?

But just look at it this way,

How can it do harm,

If there really is no God,

No need for an alarm.

But if He is, it’s logical,

That God who must be true,

Would reveal the answer,

And not play games with you.

Just say, ‘Lord, if You’re out there,

Show me what is true,

I promise to receive it,

And what You say to do.

It may just surprise you,

How clearly He may show,

Who He is and what He wants,

The way that You should go.

Listen to creation,

Look up into the night,

Quiet down your heart some,

Let go of your uptight.

Tune your heart to music,

And the whisper of your heart,

A verse of ancient scripture,

Yes, God will do His part.

And then at last you know it,

The truth revealed to you,

There is a God and He is close,

Reveals His love, it’s true.

“Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth…” (2 Tim. 2:25, NLT)

God is a heart-changer. People’s mental obstacles concerning faith are not their main problem. It’s not intellect as much as it is something deeper. It’s deeper than how one thinks, and goes to the root of their spiritual being. God is the great persuader on that level. He is able to change their hearts and reveal Himself. When He does, people are convinced. We may talk them into something, but someone else may come along and talk them out of it. But when God reveals, He convinces in a way that cannot be reversed. We love, and share and pray and set an example and plant seeds, but ultimately the results are in God’s hands. The facts back up the truth, but it is not the facts that win people over. That only happens when the revealed truth sets them free.

Lord, show us Your truth, and set us free, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Shawn Cameron, shawncameron.com. Used by permission.  Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.

Art by Shawn Cameron, shawncameron.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.

Brad McClain