I was right when I said it
But wrong how I did,
Sometimes my old temper,
I need to get rid.
The Good Book, it tells us,
To speak truth in love,
And we need to remember,
When push comes to shove,
What we say matters,
But not just what’s true,
But also our tone,
And how we come through.
The truth without love,
Can be harsh and mean,
It misses the power,
Of making folks clean.
And love without truth,
And one thing’s for sure,
People don’t change,
Old habits endure.
So, see, they go together,
It’s growth’s true recipe,
God’s truth love-spoken,
Makes for maturity.
So never pull the punches,
On what God’s Word has said,
Especially with Jesus,
His words are there in red.
But know the love of Jesus,
Goes right with what’s true,
Or people will not listen,
No matter what we do.
Every real disciple,
Seeking to be free,
Will understand all that we mean,
And how things ought to be.
Our words will make a difference,
They give us life or death,
Speak the truth of God’s own Word,
And love with every breath.
“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ…” (Ephesians 4:15, NLT)
The biblical recipe for spiritual growth is speaking the truth in love in the context of the church, the body of Christ. We grow together as we speak God’s truth to one another. But this must be done in love for the truth to have its desired effect. And what is that effect? It is to stabilize us so that we will not be easily deceived by imposters who try to lead us astray, for whatever reason. Someone recently told the story of “Lie” challenging “Truth” to see who could swim across the river and back the fastest. They were both to remove their clothes, hop in the water, and then swim across the river and back. “Truth” removed his clothes, jumped in the rive and started swimming. “Lie” stole “Truth’s” clothes and went back to town. He paraded around in “Truth’s” clothing, and was able to make many people believe he was “Truth.” “Truth” had to return to town naked, but many people would not accept the naked “Truth.” If we speak the truth in love, we will grow closer to Jesus and one another, and more like Him everyday.
Lord, help us to both hear and speak the truth in love, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.