"Truth in Love"
Why do we think important,
The way we share the truth,
There is a need for wisdom,
But honestly the root,
Of everything we’re telling,
It’s always truth in love,
We know that nothing happens,
Unless God blesses from above.
So tell the news, my brother,
Don’t back down or give in,
Speak what God is saying,
Ane we will praise HIm then.
“We will speak the truth in love…” (Eph. 4:15, NLT)
Paul’s key to authentic spiritual growth is speaking the truth in love. Before dismissing the idea as just an obvious way of approaching what matters, let’s unpack it. There is a tendency, to lean one way or the other. If we speak the truth, but without love , we are only kidding ourselves about people finding a spiritual transformation. They will react, rather than respond to the truth, not because it isn’t right but because of the way it is shared. If all we give people is love, no one changes because they are comforted but never challenged with truth, which along can set them free. It’s never either-or. It’s always both-and.
Lord, help us always speak the truth in love, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.