
I cannot understand it,

But then by faith I know,

God is still the Ruler,

Of what makes this world go.

I see a lot of evil,

Sickness, suffering, too,

Don’t believe God sends it,

But He allows it, true.

And it’s fair to question,

Why He would, you see,

We know He could stop it,

But it hasn’t come to be.

This old world is fallen,

Evil still is loose,

Free will has a part to play,

And all the devil’s crews.

But how it fits together,

Is quite a mystery,

And way beyond my pay grade,

To explain it finally.

What I have decided,

Is trust the Lord above,

Believe He intends blessing,

And above all else is love.

And in the final answer,

He will be the One,

Who brings it all together,

Through His only Son.

the Bible says He’s ruling,

Till every enemy,

Submits and is conquered,

Death is the last to be.

And then the holy Kingdom,

Will have its final call,

To the glory of the Father,

And Jesus, Lord of all.

“For Christ must reign until He humbles all His enemies beneath His feet. And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.” (1 Cor. 15:25-26, NLT)

Jesus is Lord. It doesn’t always look like it, but He is. He rules, though every enemy has not yet been destroyed. Death and disease, sin and tragedy, destruction and disaster- all are still with us. God allows it in a universe that has a degree of freedom as it evolves. How much freedom? No one knows. How much of it is because of the devil and his minions? No one knows. But the Bible clearly says that the day will come when all these are conquered. Our faith tells us to believe it, and trust God to bring it in His own timing and by His own methods. Meanwhile He gives us grace for every need, and fills our lives with joy and meaning. Jesus is Lord. Believe it.

Lord, help us to enthrone You as the Lord of our lives today, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Brent Price.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Photo by Brent Price. Used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Brad McClain