I came down from the mountain,
Where with the Lord I met,
And there down in the valley,
Found evil’s worst trial yet.
For there down in the valley,
The vulnerable and weak,
No doubt the devil’s target,
In Jesus’ name I speak,
To every unclean spirit,
That plagues the tossed and torn,
Command them by the Lamb’s blood,
And in Jesus’ name to warn,
That here they have no say so,
And here they won’t prevail,
Because God gives protection,
‘Cause God’s word cannot fail.
And we will not be silent,
While kids go down and die,
And those who make them stumble,
Had best just say goodbye.
Jesus said they’re better off,
To kill themselves and drown,
Than harm these His beloved,
And to Him they are bound.
So in the name of Jesus,
We set the captive free,
And pray they find deliverance,
And all God’s plan to see.
We’ll war on in the valley,
We’ll stand though others run,
We’ll put on all God’s armor,
Till every battle’s done.
“…but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6, NAS)
This is the only place in scripture where Jesus implies that suicide would be appropriate. Rather than harm a child or cause them to stumble, tie a stone around your neck and jump in the sea. Strong words from the Son of God! It is our responsibility to protect children physically and spiritually. The hardest battle is spiritual. We must learn to come against the lying, destroying spirits that attack the young. Our real battle is not against people but against unclean, evil demonic spirits. We fight them in the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Spirit. Resist the devil and make him run!
Lord, help us to protect the children and resist satan in their behalf, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mary Ross Buchholz, used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.