
I have the Chinese virus,

Once again it seems,

This is a four-time nightmare,

Not just some real bad dreams.


I didn’t think I had it,

I tested negative,

But then I got a whole lot worse,

Though my preventative.


And buddy let me tell you what,

Could hardly stand the pain,

And then we got some medicine,

Which I normally disdain.


But I had to find relief,

And finally I did,

And gradually I’m better,

And the muscle aches got rid.


So praise the Lord for healing,

And for lots of loving care,

Stacey takes care of me,

I love to have her there.


I pray for all the sick ones,

Who struggle in the night,

And pray the healing grace of God,

Will help them get all right.


And soon I’ll be back at it,

Getting cowboy work all done,

Not inside and all cooped up,

But outside in the sun.


Help me, Lord, renew my strength,

Empower me to go,

Lay your healing hand on us,

We know You love us so.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” (Isaiah 40:31, NAS)

This is how it ought to be when we’re walking in the Spirit. He enables us to do things we otherwise could not do. He lives the life of Jesus through us, and we rest as we work. If the strength breaks down it indicates something is wrong. I started feeling tired and discovered the virus has ahold of my body. From a spiritual point of view we have to fight any virus that will weaken us. The Lord will keep us strong.

Lord, strengthen us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain