
Sometimes feels like a feather,

That flutters on the wind,

Blowing to and fro it seems,

And up and down again.


Sometimes just like a big parade,

With pageantry and noise,

When the streets are decorated,

And there’s lots of horseback poise.


Sometimes it’s like a blowing rain,

Sometimes down to a sprinkle,

And then drought makes it crispy dry,

The ground cracked like a wrinkle.


Sometimes so beautiful and bright,

Feels like your heart might burst,

Like a sunset that fills up your soul,

You drink, quench your heart’s thirst.


And life is what I’m talkin’ ‘bout,

With colors painted bold,

But what a shame when beauty’s wasted,

On a heart that’s dead and cold.


And that’s the danger, don’t you see,

To let the darkness steal,

The joy meant for the living,

And the blessing of what’s real.


And, yes, there’s disappointment,

You can’t always avoid,

And Lord knows there’s lots of things,

That can keep you all annoyed.


But life’s too short to miss the beauty,

And the wonder of it all,

And did you know the stars can waltz,

To the rhythm of God’s call.


I’ve been young, and older now,

I’ve got less time to go,

More reason then to celebrate,

And everyone to show,


The abundant life of Jesus Christ,

Is one He wants to give,

And by the Spirit it’s in reach,

And one that we can live.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6, NAS)

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured. This does not in any way trivialize the terrible suffering people go through. But the joy of the Lord is our strength. And the people who learn to praise the Lord in spite of life’s challenges are the most purposeful. The Psalmist got it right. If we’re breathing we ought to be praising. And that’s exactly how we rehearse for heaven.

Lord, teach us to celebrate life, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain