Behind closed doors and full of fear,
Their faith in Him was gone,
Jesus dead and words He said,
They hoped for all along.
But then their world came to an end,
The hateful demons laughed,
And now their bet, to kill them yet,
The devil’s final craft.
But then the presence of the Lord,
Was there for them to see,
He spoke His peace, gave release,
And they became fear-free.
He breathed on them the Spirit,
They drank His presence in,
That Easter night was filled with light,
The movement will begin,
To tell the world of Jesus,
The news that sets men free,
Crucified and death defied,
Gives grace to you and me.
“Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” (John 20:19, NIV)
Jesus is the author of our peace. When the disciples were fearfully hiding behind locked doors His visit changed everything, especially the trajectory of their future. With the Spirit’s power they will spend the rest of their lives going rather than hiding. His peace and His presence will propel them forward, sent just as the Father sent Jesus. The lessons are many but the most obvious is go where you’re sent with the peace and power He provides.
Lord, send us, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.