Gotta leave the water running,
Or the water pipes will freeze,
The flow will keep it going,
So leave it running please.
It’s not unlike the Spirit,
How important is the flow,
Jesus said it’s like a river,
From deep within you know.
And it’s only with the Spirit,
Flowing through each one,
That we can do the work of God,
Or get the whole world won.
To think somehow we’ll do it,
With our own sweat and steam,
Denies the Spirit’s power,
And slows the Spirit’s stream.
It’s why the Lord told Peter,
And all the others, too,
To wait till the go power,
For the witness they would do.
And then the wind came blowing,
Along with tongues of fire,
They were baptized with the power,
And the heavenly desire,
To tell just everybody,
‘Bout what the Lord had done,
When He died on Calvary,
And became the Risen Son.
So keep the water runnin’,
Don’t interrupt the flow,
The Spirit’s river rushing,
And through us He will go.
“…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” (Acts 1:8, NLT)
The power of the Holy Spirit is necessary for being a consistent witness for Jesus Christ. No matter how one understands the role of the Holy Spirit doctrinally, and there are many views, what matters most is that we learn to let the Spirit lead, control and live the life of Jesus through us. Some point to one significant “baptism” of the Spirit. Others do not. But again, any experience that teaches us to let the river of God’s presence flow through us serves God’s purpose. Let the river of the Holy Spirit flow through you today.
Lord, fill us with Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Photo of our friend, Jeff Gore, a cowboy and Spirit-filled musician and preacher. Used by permission. Thanks, Jeff, and God bless you.