"Weight Watchers"
As a new year rolls around,
It’s time for resolutions,
Promises and new goals found,
With earth’s annual revolution.
We see new opportunity,
That’s why gym rosters swell,
With weight watchers’ community,
We’re countin’ calories well.
But even more the power,
To let the bad weights fall,
Starting this day’s hour,
With those who on Him call.
Drop the weight of every hurt,
Forgive the deepest wound,
God has put us on alert,
We’d better do it soon,
“Cause if we let the sun go down,
On our anger and our rage,
Soon the devil comes around,
Resentment to engage.
Drop that weight, forgive that sin,
The way God forgave you,
The grace to help you always win,
And show just what to do.
Weight watchers the Jesus way,
No doubt, He lifts the load,
Teaches us what we should say,
And keeps us on the road.
“Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrances and the sins which so entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1, NAS)
A large crowd of witnesses have gone before us in the race, and now it’s our turn to run. We are called to run with endurance and keep our eyes on Jesus Christ. We are also called to be proactive when it comes to laying aside anything that will slow us down. The heaviest weight of all is unforgiveness. Perhaps the greatest challenge is toforgive others as generously as God has forgiven us. What a resolution! What a way to live.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.