"On Fire"

Out here in the country,

Been building fires of late,

Piling up that dead-fall,

Pour diesel on, then wait.


Then right down at the bottom,

Light an old feed sack,

Make sure that it catches,

Then just step on back.


Sometimes they’ll burn for several days,

Sometimes just hours few,

Depends on how much green there is,

And how much dry, it’s true.


There’s got to be some kindling,

Before big pieces catch,

And that’s the point I’m making,

If you’re starting one from scratch.


You see we are the kindling,

And the first starters, too,

To spread the flame of Jesus,

So folks can know Him, too.


And with the Spirit’s flaming,

Their lives are set on fire,

Filled with the love of Jesus,

And a strong, holy desire,


To tell what He has done for them,

With joy their story tell,

And you can feel the fire,

That we’ve come to know so well.


So be a fire-starter,

Don’t quench the Spirit’s flame,

Live life with a mission,

On fire in Jesus’ name.

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish you were cold or hot.” (Revelation 3:15, NAS)

Why would the Spirit say this? He expresses to the church at Laodicea, and to us, that He would prefer us to be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. This is because when you’re hot, it’s obvious. When you’re cold, that’s obvious, too. But the problem with being lukewarm is that you are spiritually mediocre but don’t know it. God can deal with us if we are cold and He can use us if we’re hot. But if we’re lukewarm and deceived about our true spiritual condition He has to do something to discipline us and shake us up so that we can get right with the Lord. For a time He might have to spit us out of His mouth so that we can see how desperately we need to be set on fire by the Spirit.

Lord, set us on fire, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirste, and God bless you.

Brad McClain