What Was God Thinking?
What was Mary thinking?
What would Joseph do,
When their world was shattered,
By the angel’s words it’s true.
The thought was just so scary,
And quite impossible,
Yet it seems God willed it,
And yes, their hearts were full.
If you wanted all to know it,
Why sneak in that back door,
An egg inside a woman,
But God was there, for sure.
And why use lowly shepherds,
Who had no reputation,
Why not use some leaders,
A noted delegation.
And not just old sheep-keepers,
Don’t know a single name,
Yet they ran fast to greet Him,
And then the news proclaim.
The Magi had some treasure,
The only ones who did,
But they were out of towners,
From off the foreign grid.
So when God does His saving,
You see that He will use,
Some that others wouldn’t,
But that’s who He will choose.
“When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him…” (Mt. 1:24, NIV)
Think of Joseph’s shock when he learned Mary, his fiance, was pregnant. He could only think that she has been unfaithful to him. Others might think he was the prospective father, which brought his reputation down, too. He was going to privately end his relationship with her, when the angel spoke the truth to him. That’s all it took. He obeyed what the angel said, and left the results in God’s hands. And that’s all God ever wants us to do. Just obey. Just do what He says and trust God with the flack and the feedback. Joseph and Mary were chosen by God to bring His Son into the world. He chose to bring salvation to the whole world through a fertilized egg in the womb of a young woman. He used shepherds with no reputation and Magi who were foreigners. The only ones with power or credibility was Herod, who tried to kill Jesus. Bottom line: God chooses and uses people others don’t. Don’t forget it.
Lord, use all whom You choose. Use us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jack Sorenson, jacksorensonfineart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.