We’re not sure where it comes from,
But we can see it’s there,
That’s what Jesus told us,
And it’s true everywhere.
He spoke to Nicodemus,
Talking ‘bout the wind,
Said it’s like the Spirit,
And being born again.
You don’t know where it’s going,
You can’t say whence it came,
And so are Kingdom children,
They just don’t act the same.
As those who do not know Him,
Or listen to His call,
Who do not pay attention,
Like He’s not there at all.
But we have learned, know better,
Because the Spirit comes,
Let’s us know He’s leading,
And helps us get things done.
The new birth of the Spirit,
A thing we all can see,
He promises to everyone,
If we His truth believe.
You can’t see if it’s coming,
The future you don’t know,
But if born of the Spirit,
He’ll help you to go.
Yes, character is growing,
Right from the inside out,
And all because the Spirit,
Has taken charge, no doubt.
Don’t say that you can’t feel it,
‘Cause I know that you do,
And if you will receive it,
He’ll do the same for you.
“He was in the world, and though the world was made by Him, the world did not recognize Him…” (John 1:10, NIV)
John’s Christmas story is not like the other gospels. John begins by talking about the Son of God being present at and involved with the creation of the world. Though he created it, He entered it as a human being, becoming flesh so that He could save all of us. When John speaks of this, He talks about the importance of receiving Christ so that we can be born of God. When Jesus explained this to Nicodemus, He compared the Spirit with the wind, and those who were born again as being “wind-led.” There was a certain mystery to living by the Spirit, and so It has always been. The miraculous, mysterious work of the Holy Spirit cannot be fathomed or fully understood by human beings. However it is important to realize that the message of Christ’s coming at Christmas includes His entry into our lives by the Holy Spirit.
Lord, help us remember the leadership of Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jack Sorenson, jacksorensonfineart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.