Why can’t life be simple,
Why must it be uphill,
I just want some easy,
Is that such a big deal?
And then I think of others,
Who’re straining just to live,
Been told it’s almost over,
And little left to give.
I think I should be thankful,
For blessings large and small,
For family and freedom,
And health to love it all.
I have two pretty horses,
To some that’s not so much,
But for them I’m thankful,
A sane and helpful touch.
I feel my work has purpose,
And not just jumping hoops,
Direction and God’s leading,
And not just circle loops.
I never do go hungry,
I sleep on a good bed,
And I live on the inside,
With a pillow for my head.
So see I really shouldn’t,
Complain and fuss at all,
Because the Good Lord’s blessing,
I have no doubt will fall.
And then there is salvation,
The greatest gift you see,
Jesus died and rose again,
To forgive and set us free.
So life it’s really simple,
And though sometimes uphill,
He gives a lighter burden,
His yoke is easy still.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Mt. 11:28-30, NLT)
This is undoubtedly one of the greatest things Jesus ever promised! I love it, and I love Him for saying it. So, the promise is to whom? All who are weary and carry heavy burdens. Who doesn’t? We all get exhausted with the burdens, stress, and pressures of life. We can’t escape it, but we can come to Jesus. When we do, He says H will replace the burdens with His rest. Wow. Think about that. Whatever it is, Jesus can handle it. Whatever weighs you down, slows you down, and crushes you beneath its weight is something Jesus can relieve. Have you ever wondered if you’ll ever get over something? We can’t, but Jesus can help us do what we cannot do. And then He asks us to exchange our burden for His, our control for His leadership. But He says that compared to what we’ve been dealing with, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That’s great stuff right there! Come to Jesus and make the exchange. You’ll be glad you did!
Lord, help us surrender our burdens and accept Your leadership, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mary Ross Buchholz, maryrossbuchholz.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.