
 Some folks think it foolish,

Just some will-o’-the’-wisp,

If you have a dream,

That your heart-thoughts have kissed.


And when you speak to them,

They say you’re a fool,

To be thinkin’ that way,

And lay down the rule,


That you should be thankful,

For the place where you are,

It’s nonsense to dream it,

Don’t think you’ll go far,


From all that has been,

And what you do now,

So stop fantasizing,

Find contentment somehow.


I know that they mean well,

Or most of them do,

It’s about disappointment,

Expectations untrue.


And maybe their hope,

Is as thin as can be,

About something changing,

And between you and me,


It could be they envy,

That dream that you share,

And would be jealous,

If you really went there.


You have to be careful,

‘Bout that will-o’-the wisp,

It might be God speaking,

And you don’t want to miss.


Old father Abraham,

Too late to have kids,

But God said He’d do it,

And that’s what He did.


Remember young Joseph,

Slave and prison, too,

But the Lord said a ruler,

Was what he would do.


Gideon was hiding,

Down in the winepress,

God said, mighty warrior,

And you know the rest.


Moses the killer,

Way out off the grid,

From the flame that Voice called him,

And send him to rid,


God’s people from bondage,

And to lead them right out,

Through the Red Sea that parted,

That’s what hope is about.


Who thought that a shepherd,

Would one day be king,

That he’d kill a giant,

With a rock and a sling.


The disciples were cowards,

Simon thrice would deny,

But filled with the Spirit,

Broke the devil’s big lie.


And Saul with his terror,

Became Paul with a plan,

To win all to Jesus,

So maybe you can,


Do something you’re dreaming,

And prayed you could do,

‘Cause God gives us vision,

That He wants to come true.


 Faith may seem reckless,

To those filled with doubt,

But don’t let ‘em stop you,

When the Lord calls you out.

“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those He has called- His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance.” (Ephesians 1:18, NLT)

God is the great hope-giver. Paul says he is praying that the Holy Spirit will reveal to the believers what God has planned for them, and His great power to make it happen! Without vision we perish and are unrestrained in our behavior, the scriptures say. God-given vision course-corrects us and inspires us to follow Jesus into uncharted and often unpredictable territory. But is there’s no risk, there’s no need for faith. Live in the inspiration of your God-given vision until God brings it to pass.

Lord, give us vision and help us, by the power of Your Spirit, to accomplish it, in Jesus’. name.

Art by MIkel Donahue, used by permission. Thanks, MIkel, and God bless you.

Brad McClain