I’ve always found when I hear the sound,
Of a real stand up and praise,
My heart is touched and blessed so much,
My spirit’s hands are raised.
For decades now I find somehow,
That those who praise the Lord,
Are my tribe and so alive,
They never can get bored.
Can’t say it’s true for all those who,
On Sunday gather up,
Their churchy house, quiet as a mouse,
They’ve just half-filled their cup.
The overflow is when I know,
The Spirit’s rivers run,
With joy, you see, for those set free,
And really have some fun.
Truth and Spirit, can you hear it,
When they’re in the flow,
Heaven’s real and you can feel,
It’s power and it’s glow.
And some walk in from where they’ve been,
And get homesick for there,
The Good Lord comes and never shuns,
Their burdens He will bear.
So come and go, it’s not a show,
But heartfelt worship, see,
And if you do, you’ll know it’s true,
A worshipper you’ll be.
“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” (John 4:23, NAS)
Worship is not always worship, according to Jesus. To be authentic and something the Father seeks there are two non-negotiable qualities. They are: spirit and truth. Unless there is a personal engagement with the Holy Spirit, we are only going through religious routines and ritual. Unless we honestly embrace God’s truth, praise is dishonest and pretentious. Spirit and truth. With these we can be authentic worshipers.
Lord, help us worship You in spirit and truth, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.