As he approached the sunset,
So many rode along,
He was getting weak and weary,
But was steady with his song,
Of love and faith and courage,
And the life God let him live,
And so all the riders,
Received all he could give.
They didn’t want to leave him,
And dreaded their good-bye,
But knew his soul was destined,
Far past the northern sky.
And then they saw the water,
And knew he had to cross,
And though they loved him dearly,
His death would be their loss.
Passed the reins of his old pony,
To his family, wife and friends,
With prayers for many blessings,
And for peace that thought transcends.
There were many hugs and kisses,
Words of tenderness and peace,
He slipped into the water,
There was grace for his release.
As he came out of the river,
He heard the distant cries,
Of all those left behind him,
And their tender, sweet good-byes.
And then he heard the music,
Saw riders coming fast,
Shouting, laughing, waving,
As the reins to him they cast.
He swung into the saddle,
Of a mount cut out for him,
And looked into the Savior’s eyes,
Whose love said welcome, friend.
We’ve been waiting here and looking,
At this homecoming shore,
Excited your arrival,
Brings joy and so much more.
It will take a long forever,
To enjoy all that there is,
And it’s all because our Father,
Made this cowboy His.
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” (John 10:28)
Eternal life is based on the grip of God’s grace. When we’re too weak to hold onto Him, He holds onto us. Jesus is our security, and assures us that we will cross over when our earthly lives are done. Paul said we would be absent from the body and present with the Lord. He holds us, and that’s what matters most.
Lord, keep us secure, in Jesus’ name.
Personal Pic.