"Call to Pray"

If there ever was a time it’s now,

For us to take a stand,

To say that we belong to Him,

And pray across this land,


There is a great awakening,

Of the Holy Spirit’s pow’r,

Where Jesus is the Lord of all,

And with each passing hour,


The Lord of all the harvest,

Meets us as we go,

Adding to the Church He builds,

All who come to know,


The righteousness and peace and joy,

Of making Jesus King,

For if you want salvation,

Make Him Lord of everything.


Not talkin’ ‘bout religion,

There is no pow’r  in that,

Man-made rules and doctrines,

Those traditions are old hat.


But Bible-based ignition,

Of lives He’s set on fire,

Young and old together,

With only one desire,


And that’s to lift up Jesus,

So everyone can know,

The wonders of His Kingdom,

And the Spirit’s seed to sow.


Swept up in the passion,

Of what the Lord can do,

And many signs and wonders,

And miracles it’s true.


So hear the call, my brother,

To seek the Lord and pray,

And God is speaking, sister,

For you to start today,


The great move of the Spirit,

Will not tarry long,

If all the Jesus people,

The ones to Him belong,


Will call upon the Father,

And soon, in Jesus’ name,

Driving out the darkness,

For the praises of His fame.

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, NAS)

Paul says to Timothy, first, you need to pray…We are more likely to say, when all else fails, pray, as if prayer is a last ditch, last resort sort of thing. Paul encourages the young pastor to lead his people to pray first for everyone, and especially for those in authority. Remember these were not elected people nor were they godly folk. Typically they were oppressive, dictatorial, enemies of the faith. Pray for them, he said. The ministry of intercession precedes the rest of what we do. If we pray first, the power of the Spirit becomes the most significant reality, and we are energized for witness and service. Jesus promised the power but only if they waited in prayer. It worked then and it will work now.

Lord, help us to prioritize our time of prayer with You, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission.

Brad McClain