"Bad Feelin'"
I’m going to share a feelin’,
I’ve had since I was young,
I’ve tried not to dwell on it,
I’m not the only one,
Who’s had that bad old feelin’,
Of a dog who wants a bone,
But too shy to come and get it,
Run in and then be gone,
With that bone that’s left over,
The last one there to take,
And hoping just that someone,
Will give this dog a break.
And throw that old bone to you,
So you can slink away,
And think you’re glad to get it,
And that you’ll be okay.
You can call it being humble,
But that’s not what it is,
It’s being someone’s doormat,
And let me tell you this,
It’s not what God expects of us,
It’s not how we should live,
To act so undeserving,
You don’t take the grace God gives.
To live your life on purpose,
And boldly and with joy,
And not as some apology,
Submitting to the ploy,
That you should do your penance,
And relive your regret,
The devil is behind it,
And convinces you, I bet,
That you may be forgiven,
But you are second rate,
So stay in place and snatch a bone,
From that old nasty plate.
Stand up and know, my brother,
And, sister, do the same,
That you’re a child of Christ the King,
And, yes, you bear His name.
And not because of arrogance,
But ‘cause you are His kin,
You don’t have to be put down,
Or last to be let in.
Stand up and claim the beauty,
Of who He says you are,
And forget about that dog and bone,
You’re more than that, by far.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
God’s word calls us God’s masterpiece. This is accomplished by God’s saving grace which is an unearned gift. If this is true, and it is, why do we think we need to live our lives as some sort of apology for what we did in the past or failed to do. Clearly this verse and others like it tell us that God planned for us to do good things a long time ago, before we were saved and even before we were born! He took into consideration all our sins and failings, and still sent Jesus to die for our dysfunctional and destructive ways. He considers us His masterpiece, in spite of anything that argues against it. We are not called to be like a dog hoping for the last bone. We are called to be sons and daughters of the Most High God.
Lord, help us to realize who we are in You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.