"Been There"
I’ve been ‘round the mountain,
And in the valley low,
Mileage long, no countin’,
And endless rows to hoe.
I’ve traveled like a pilgrim,
And wandered like a child,
Searched for rhyme and rhythm,
And had thoughts deep and wild.
Been pushed right to the limit,
Laid exhausted on the ground,
Felt honored to be in it,
No doubt was lost, then found.
And with this cowboy journey,
I’ve seen most everything,
Though much to concern me,
I still want to sing.
‘Cause just around the bending,
Of the road ahead,
New hopes there I’m spending,
Runs through it like a thread.
The favor of a Leader,
Who’s been this way before,
He is the Master-Seeder,
For what He has in store.
And there is nothing fearful,
That steals this destiny,
Though grief may be tearful,
He guards the trail, you see.
And I know that I’ll make it,
When this journey’s through,
And no, I need not fake it,
By grace for me and you.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race…” (2 Tim. 4:7, NLT)
No one knows when life will end, but obviously Paul had an idea that his was about to be over. His testimony was not to take credit for finishing well. Rather, it was to point to God’s faithfulness in helping him. He has suffered, but was given grace to endure. He was persecuted, but had received incredible favor. He was imprisoned, but wrote letters which became a large part of our New Testament scriptures as a result. He did all through Christ who strengthened him, and because he relied on Jesus, he could say honestly that he was finishing strong. Isn’t that what all of us hope for? I think so. And the best way to insure it is to live today for Jesus. No matter how much more there is, today is the day to get things right, with God’s help.
Lord, help us get today right so that the rest of our lives will be right, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.