Folks today, they live inside,
For work and yes, for play,
Sometimes they don’t go outside,
But inside’s where they stay.
And, no, I don’t mean people,
Who’re old or sick, infirm,
And can’t get out and travel,
Because of health concern.
I’m talkin’ bout the healthy,
Who choose to stay in there,
And most of all their hours,
They don’t go anywhere.
Technology convinced them,
That they can get it all,
In front of that old laptop,
TV or cell phone, y’all.
Their children are a-playin’,
With some ‘lectronic game,
And parents are okayin’,
And sometimes do the same.
Inside for the work they do,
And inside for their meals,
Inside for what they buy, too,
And every single deal.
Missing out on nature,
And all God put in place,
The blessed rain and sunshine,
Wind blowing on your face.
And horseback cross fine country,
Is something they don’t see,
Because they are cooped up inside,
It’s not how things should be.
Not sure how to change it,
Maybe it’s far too late,
Reverse what has become the norm,
There may be no escape.
But why not pray about it,
And let’s try to lead the way,
To get outside some more ourselves,
And every chance to say,
Hey y’all, let’s get out there,
Let’s walk and trot and lope,
Let’s get some sun-tan on our cheeks,
And give somebody hope,
That in all God created,
You may find greater peace,
Outside is much better,
There burdens can release.
And know there is no inside,
On heaven’s golden shore,
But one big perfect outside,
For us forevermore.
“…They know the truth about God because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities…” (Romans 1:19-20, NLT)
God is not playing games with us. He wants us to know Him, and reaches out to us personally. One of the ways He reaches out to us is through what He has created. The design in the creation reveals that there is a Designer behind it. From the tiniest leaf on the ground to the farthest star in the sky, we see intricate pattern and beauty. From the microscope to the telescope God has made Himself obvious. So why is He unrecognized? This passage goes on to explain why. There is a moral choice involved, that amounts to a conscious, intentional denial of God. Once that choice is made, the rest is downhill. But, good news! The capacity to choose wisely and know the Lord is there for all of us! What He has made points directly to Him, and He is still available to save, heal, and transform our lives. Look up.
Lord, help us look up from the immediate and the temporal and embrace the eternal, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.