"Best Seat"
The dewy sunrise calling,
From the pastures long and sweet,
The early sun’s rays falling,
Rising breeze the light to greet.
And the songbirds raise their chorus,
From a thousand leaves and limbs,
As the day spreads out before us,
The creation wakes with hymns.
And the cowboy with his whistle,
Cool enough to see him sing,
Rides through the downy thistle,
The cottonwoods still bring.
Sweeping open rangeland,
Rivers streaming through the plain,
Rising canyons so grand,
Too beautiful to name.
And a-horseback moving cattle,
Offers views the best of all,
When you see it from the saddle,
And can hear the cattle call.
It’s a special kind of feeling,
Not unlike a thankful prayer,
As if your soul Is kneeling,
With God’s presence everywhere.
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20, NAS)
The created order is magnificent! It is so awe-inspiring that people sometimes worship the creation rather than the creator. But the beauty and wonder of creation are there for a purpose, and that is to reveal the Designer. All that God has made points to Him, and not to some random event. Paul writes that the creation reveals God’s eternal attributes , eternal power and divine nature. Follow the light of creation and it will lead you to the light of Christ.
Lord, help us to recognize the wonder of who You are by what You have made, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.