"Follow Forever"
I followed in his footsteps,
You’ll hear a young man say,
Aout his coach or father,
Why he didn’t go astray.
I followed the advice he gave,
His wisdom gave me peace,
About the right things I should do,
From the wrong to find release.
We follow someone’s page or post,
Traditions shape us strong,
How our families raised us,
And taught us right from wrong.
We follow favorite sports teams,
We follow headline news,
We follow what our doctor says,
We follow what we choose.
But of all the things we follow,
The most important one of all,
Is if we hear what God says,
And follow His clear call.
The Good Book tells us clearly,
What should matter to us most,
Is following forever,
With our eternal Host.
If you follow only earthly things,
You lose in ways that count,
But if your heart is set on heaven,
God secures the full amount.
Following forever,
Is the way to go for sure,
Laying treasure up in heaven
That always will endure.
“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2, NAS)
Does this mean we are so heavenly-minded we are no earthly good? No! Paul is simply describing the normality of taking our cues from heaven and not this world.. It is reminiscent of Jesus’ model prayer, let Your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are led by heaven, embrace heaven’s priorities, represent heaven on earth, and exist to take as many people to heaven with us as possible. Heaven is what this life is all about.
Lord, let heaven control our thoughts, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Kenneth Wyatt, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.