"Big Empty"
The wilderness- an empty place,
As measured by mankind,
But for those who seek God’s face,
The Bible says you’ll find,
The Voice that spoke is speaking still ,
And likely says the same,
The words describe God’s holy will,
And honor His great name.
And, yes, we know God’s everywhere,
And thus so is His Voice,
But the quiet is what’s reigning there,
Without competing noise,
Odds are that the Voice that cries,
Is something you won’t miss,
Speaks the truth and casts out lies,
And let me tell you this,
The prophet said the rough goes smooth,
The steep would level out,
Prepare the way, the Lord will soothe,
With whisper and with shout.
The One who comes will bring the fire,
With Spirit power immerse,
Accomplishing divine desire,
Fulfilling every verse.
Turns fathers’ hearts to their sons,
And to their daughters, too,
Touch the children , they’re the ones,
He’ll show just what to do.
And the Voice from desert far,
Will say behold the Lamb,
The same One who named every star,
And is the great I AM,
Has come in human form to say,
I will seek and save,
And those who hear on any day,
Get what His promise gave.
The quiet and the empty reach,
Of desert, mountain, sky,
The winds blow words that heal and teach,
Bring life to those who die,
From lethal doses of the noise,
Of chaos and of strife,
Screaming lies, the devil’s choice,
That will destroy your life.
Contrast that with solitude,
The tranquil, endless space,
That fills your heart with gratitude,
‘Cause there you see God’s face.
And, yes, there is intensity,
Of heat and cold and dry,
Rocky steep immensity,
Waddy low and mountain high.
But in the distances austere,
The greater presence calls,
Helping us to face our fear,
Make Him our all in all.
I’ve traveled to the quiet,
I’ve heard the still, small voice,
That conquers my soul’s riot,
And empowers righteous choice.
Voice crying in the wilderness,
And, yes, it’s crying still,
Filling us with God’s own yes,
And the knowledge of His will.
“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God…” (John 1:12, NLT)
According to John’s gospel, the Word of God is Jesus Christ. He eternally existed with God and was one with God, but then was sent as God made flesh. In other words, the word of the Lord is Jesus with skin on. Those who hear Him speak to them and accept His word, will be saved forever. The noise of today’s culture is so loud, however, that some never hear God speaking to them. That’s why it can make a huge difference if we’re able to remove the competing noise. Find the quiet, listen to God, and accept what He says to you.
Lord, help us to hear Your words and fully accept what You say to us, in Jesus’ name. .