"Christmas Wish"
What do you want for Christmas,
That’s the ask this holiday,
And it might surprise you,
With what I have to say.
It’s not a brand-new bridle,
Or braided reins or bit
It’s not a brand-new cowboy hat,
With a custom, perfect fit.
It’s not a pair of hand-built spurs,
That Kerry Kelly made,
Or that all our livestock,
In our Christmas pasture stayed.
It’s not any of these things,
Though any would be nice,
But my true wish this Christmas,
I will repeat it twice.
I want to see my family,
All praising Christ the Lord,
And following with all their hearts,
The Word, the Spirit’s sword.
And secondly, I pray a prayer,
For every friend I know,
That God’s grace will save and heal,
And cause their faith to grow.
So first a family blessing,
And then one for my friends,
And that’s all I wish for Christmas,
What God from heaven sends.
And twice now I have said it,
But repeating my request,
For my friends and family,
God’s highest and His best.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8, NAS)
Everyone needs to get a taste of God’s grace. When they do, they always want more. Tasting and seeing is a God-given way of introducing people to His best for them. Perhaps they suffer from a misconception concerning who God is and what it will take to receive His favor. Maybe they fear God’s judgment and wrath. Whatever the case, when they actually experience the wonders of His love they become hungry and thirsty to have more. The good news is that the more you want the more you can get, and the supply is endless. It is a blessing to take refuge in the Lord.
Lord, help us taste and see that You are good, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.