"Circle Back"
Circle back, circle back,
Till you find the track,
Of the cow that has gotten away.
She’s been gone so long,
We don’t know what’s wrong,
She’s out there, that’s all we can say.
Circle back, circle back,
Say you found the track,
Of the cow that has gotten away.
Trot out, bring her in,
From where she has been,
Out there where she’s gone astray.
We stayed on the trail,
Searched through hill and dale,
Caught a glimpse of her there in the brush.
We circled around,
And finally found,
Why she was off hiding so much.
Circle back, circle back,
Yes, there is her track,
That led to a little sweet spring.
And there in the grass,
We almost rode past,
A calf, just a little old thing.
So close by we hid,
That’s just what we did,
For we knew the cow was close by.
And ‘fore long she came,
Calling her new calf’s name,
And to catch her we’d give it a try.
One loop for the cow,
And the baby somehow,
And then we had ‘em both caught.
Brought ‘em both in,
From their hiding place then,
Circle back to where we first sought.
And the Lord does the same,
When we play the game,
Of hiding from Him and His will.
But He will come see,
Looking for you and me,
He’ll circle back searching until,
He finds us and then,
His loop He will send,
And then He will lead us back home.
Circle back till He finds,
Those who fall behind,
So that we will never more roam.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost…” (Luke 19:10, NLT)
One of the greatest things we can ever know about God is that He is after us. He seeks us, and there has never been a time in our lives when He didn’t. He seeks those who have wandered far away and don’t even believe He exists. He seeks those who have always believed in Him and grew up in church. His desire for us is based upon His love, which ultimately gives us value. The Scriptures tell us we are bought with a price. The value of anything is based upon what someone is willing to pay for it. It’s really not the appraised value that counts the most. It’s the actual sales price. We have sinned and need saving. But this in no way diminishes our value. The blood of Jesus was shed for us. He came searching for us because we have eternal value in His eyes. To be that valuable in God’s eyes changes everything.
Lord, thank You for seeking us. Help us seek You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.