"We Cry"
We cry when doctors slap us,
Helps fills our lungs with breath,
They say Mom’s eyes were leaking,
With her baby on her chest.
We cry when parents leave us,
When they first go away,
Until we finally realize,
They will not go to stay.
We cry when we are injured,
We cry when things go wrong,
We sometimes cry when happy,
But seldom cry for long.
Some seem like they have dried up,
They have no tears to hide,
Nothing much gets to them,
They keep it all inside.
But I don’t think that’s normal,
And even Jesus wept,
So letting go our feelings,
Beats trying to keep them kept.
In fact to shed a tear or two,
Could do a lot of good,
Whether it’s about yourself,
Or someone else, we should.
It’s part of being human,
Just showing empathy,
And if we never do it,
Relief we’ll never see.
I’ve seen tough cowboys do it,
When something touched their heart,
God used it to soften them,
He always does His part.
They say there is a special place,
Where God stores all our tears,
Collects them in His bottle,
Through all life’s many years.
And when our lives are over,
In that eternal day,
All the tears we ever cried,
The Lord will wipe away.
“Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep…” (Romans 12:15, NLT).
“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, NLT)
The greater our dependence on technology, the more we seem to be emotionally detached from each other. God has called us to show empathy and emotional connection with each other. It’s an important part of life, and if we don’t have it, we are tempted to go outside God’s boundaries to find it. It’s good to remember that the Lord has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. That includes emotional needs. God also want us to build and nurture healthy relationships of support and accountability. Christian brothers and sisters are gifts from God, and are invaluable when we are going through trials. God is not raising up “Lone Rangers.” We need people in our lives who will neither judge or excuse us. They will love us as we are and speak to the truth in love so we can grow. Best of all they will be there for us in the hard times. They will rejoice in our victories and cry over our defeats. Lord, help us find those relationships, and learn to weep with those who weep, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.