The colors sing and constant bring,
The joy of heaven’s song,
They let us know that life will grow,
Long after it is gone.
What we feel, the love that’s real,
Is more than skin contains,
When heartbeats cease and breaths release,
Us from these earthly plains.
To life’s stampede we should take heed,
And see how fast she rides,
Relentless race to nameless place,
And no one from death hides.
For its approach will soon encroach,
On every thought and plan,
And all life’s score though we want more,
Will slip right through our hand.
It was His laugh, God’s autograph,
That made all things worthwhile,
And when you know it is life’s flow,
That leads to Jesus’ smile,
We have no doubt what life’s about,
The colors on the way,
They’re everything that makes us sing,
When comes eternal day..
“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NAS)
Numbering our days means valuing them appropriately. Every day that comes is a gift from God, and what we do with it is our gift back to Him. It is God’s wisdom that we learn as we go, beginning with receiving Jesus as God’s wisdom concerning salvation. The new birth gives us new understanding about God’s expectations and His promises to energize us by His Spirit for every assignment. Ultimately God’s wisdom leads us to cooperate with His grace for every season of life, and then enter His presence with thanksgiving.
Lord, help us to value the days of our lives, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.