"Cowboy Reunion"
When cowboys get together,
You’re bound to hear ‘em say,
Do you remember when we rode,
And gathered cows that day?
And usually they’ll talk about,
Some old awful wreck,
When a cowboy got himself bucked off,
It could’ve broke his neck.
But instead he hit and bounced right up,
Afraid that he was hurt,
If he didn’t jump and step back on,
And brush off all the dirt.
Or maybe they will reminisce,
About some crazy cow,
And when they looped her to a tree,
But she got away somehow.
Taking with her limbs and leaves,
Just like a travelin’ bush,
They’ll laugh until the tears run down,
About that bovine push.
And then the talk will turn to men,
And partners whom they’ve known,
The ones a-ridin’ heaven’s range,
And reapin’ seeds they’ve sown.
And sometimes the quiet comes,
As if they stop to pray,
The rough old boys with tender hearts,
Then lighten up okay.
Wrinkled faces, desert burnt,
With bald heads white as fish,
And in their minds still younger men,
With only one main wish,
And that’s to go get horseback,
No matter else they do,
That’s where they are the most at home,
And you can feel it, too.
A shakin’ hands and slappin’ backs,
And glad y’all came today,
And groanin’ back into their trucks,
And then they drive away.
Ride on, old pard, ride on a day,
Toward your last sunset,
Death may come, it will not stay,
But it can’t outrun you yet.
“He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies…” (John 11:25, NIV)
Death is the ultimate earthly reality for all of us. The good news is that faith in Jesus Christ changes and completely redefines the transition from this llfe to the next. It becomes a doorway into God’s presence and its sting is removed. We don’t fear or dread it like those who have no faith. We actually anticipate it with peace and God-given joy. Abundant life on this side of the grave is what Jesus promised, but the best is yet to come!
Lord help us ride toward the final sunset with joy, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.