"Drinkin' Mud"
I’m drinkin’ mud this morning,
As black as it can be,
I’d make it even stronger,
I need it, don’t you see.
‘Cause I’ve had no sleep, my brother,
Life’s troubles are too great,
But chores are out there waiting,
And I cannot be late.
Tell me why you’re sleepless,
What’s keeping you awake,
You know that old, black coffee,
You might not ought to take.
Well, it’s my mind that’s troubled,
‘Bout what’s happening ‘cross our land,
The tragedy and falsehoods,
Almost more than I can stand.
What’s wrong is celebrated,
What’s right is now called wrong,
The leaders are corrupted,
And morality is gone.
I know the Good Book tells it,
Says before the Lord returns,
The darkness will grow stronger,
Before it finally burns.
But, Lord, I love our nation,
And the freedoms we hold dear,
I hate to see the devil,
Like a lion roaring here.
O Lord, we beg Your mercy,
And please stretch forth Your hand,
Send a great revival,
Help us to take a stand.
We know Your peace is given,
To those who trust in You,
Help us cast our burdens,
All our fears and worries, too.
Peace that passes understanding,
Grace for every need,
Lord, we pray for harvest,
And to plant the righteous seed.
America, our country,
One nation under God,
Turn us to the Savior,
And sanctify this sod.
Give sleep to every warrior,
When wounded, Lord, please heal,
Loose us from all evil,
And bind us to what’s real.
We pray in faith together,
Agreed You’ll make it so,
And best of all in Jesus’ name,
You hear us, Lord, we know.
“…casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NAS)
What’s happening in the world can overload our minds with anxiety and stress. Becoming stoic, indifferent or passive is not the answer. Some Christians have become very resigned about it and don’t believe they can do anything that matters. Not true! That said, if we are engaged in the spiritual battle and committed to spreading the Good News, we must learn to cast all our anxiety on the Lord. His yoke is easy and HIs burden light. He knows how to relieve and strengthen us. We can rest, knowing it’s all in His hands. He knows. He cares. Believe it.
Lord, help us cast our cares on You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permissioin. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.