"Mama's Table"
I can still hear Mama saying,
Y’all come on in from playing,
Sit down with heads bowed praying,
To thank God for the meal.
And she sure set the table,
And round it we were able,
To learn what makes life stable,
That family time was real.
Nowadays we hurry,
Meals on the run I worry,
What’s right and wrong is blurry,
We never seem to stop.
It’s looking down at phone screens,
No together home scenes,
From children up to their teens,
We’ve sown a messy crop.
Come back to Mama’s table,
As soon as you are able,
Get rid of every fable,
The lies tear us apart.
Come to the Lord who made us,
The devil’s lies invade us,
But he cannot persuade us,
With Jesus in our hearts.
“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” (Proverbs 1:8, NAS)
The Bible emphasizes the value of the family unit and the things we learn from parents who care about us. Granted, this is not the experience of some because their parents are not godly people. But the sad truth is that there are many Christian couples who have simply allowed the busy-ness of life to steal the opportunity to teach their kids. Technology has become the enemy of relational intimacy and the schedule is too crowded to mentor the young. This needs to change but only possible when the Spirit helps dads and moms wake up and lead the way. It cannot be replaced.
Lord, restore our families, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission.