"Every Threat"
The doctor said there was no hope,
Time left was a slippery slope,
Prescription just to help her cope,
But Mama wasn’t through.
She closed her eyes and bowed her head,
In Jesus’ name is what she said,
Lord, You know when I’ll be dead,
When I’ve done all I’m s’posed to.
The healing grace, it added years,
And with the end there were no tears,
‘Cause long ago she cast out fears,
Appointed then to die.
Into His arms she gladly flew,
Ne’er a doubt, she always knew,
Full assurance, heaven’s cue,
And on His blood rely.
Every threat the devil makes,
Accusing us of past mistakes,
And tempting with a thousand fakes,
But on our knees we fight.
Praying in the Spirit then,
Every arrow he will send,
Faith’s strong shield will e’er defend,
Our armor is the light.
A childlike prayer for mercy calls,
The weakest cry the dark forestalls,
Recovery from all our falls,
And grace to finish strong.
We rise up, the devil flees,
And only Jesus we will please,
He hands to us the kingdom keys,
Until eternal dawn.
“Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12, NAS)
Clothing ourselves with the armor of light means several things. One is that we are walking transparently in the light with Lord, hiding nothing and making no excuses before Him. When He shows us an area of our lives that still has darkness, we gladly allow His light to expose and then dispel it. It also means that we walk in honesty and humility with our partners in Christ. This gives us a clear spiritual fellowship that strengthens and empowers us. A third thing it means it that we are clothing ourselves with our true spiritual identity as a son of light. We “wear” our God-given identity, and when we do, we can victoriously resist evil.
Lord, clothe us with the armor of light so that we might dispel every threat, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless your day.