"Everything that Glitters"
A cowboy song I heard today,
The words ring always true,
All that glitters, so they say,
That won’t bring gold to you.
Shiny, loved by many,
People draw aside to look,
Real value, there ain’t any,
And long ago the Book,
Did its best to warn us,
That if we put our focus there,
Disappointments are enormous,
So we’re best off to take care,
Don’t let your hearts go after,
For what glitters but not real,
Avoid that big disaster,
‘Cause God’s highest and best deal,
Is for us to love the Lord the most,
And let Him be our guide,
Be filled with the Holy Ghost,
And in His peace abide.
“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” (Philippians 3:7, NAS)
Paul says that knowing Jesus caused him to appraise the value of everything differently. Things that used to be important to him he counted as loss. What he initially devalued and rejected, he gave his entire life to serve. What a dramatic shift and one we all need to experience. If we don’t, we will default to what the world thinks is important and we will be deceived along with it. When our spiritual priorities are right and Jesus is truly the number one force and factor in our lives, He helps us understand the value of everything and everyone else. No other measure will do.
Lord, help us appraise our lives in view of who You are and what You’ve done, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.