A very wise man counseled,
To be careful when you fight,
There’s always lots of darkness,
And we’re soldiers of the light.
But fighting every battle,
Is not what God intends,
You gotta pick the right ones,
My wise friend recommends.
Don’t be reactionary,
Pray to be Spirit-led,
That way you know which battle,
Or get it wrong instead.
The Good Lord will not leave you,
In fact He’s always there,
But don’t you be presumptuous,
And with His help take care,
‘Cause the devil is a sly one,
He’ll keep you fighting all the time,
And that is not what God wants,
And I know that I’m,
Relieved by this strong counsel,
And I believe it’s right,
You better let the Spirit,
Tell you when to fight.
And when to let another,
Go and take their turn,
And when the Good Lord sends you,
You are ready ‘cause you learn,
The genius of God’s timing,
With the battles that we fight,
He’ll show us if we listen,
And we’ll learn to get it right.
“For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against the mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places…” (Ephesians 6:12, NLT)
It’s a real fight, and our enemies are strategic in their evil agenda. We, on the other hand, tend to be far more random and reactionary. Thus, the need to be led by the Spirit when it’s time for us to engage the spiritual battle. It’s all part of being strong in the Lord and putting on our armor, which ultimately is about wearing our true identity in Christ. Each piece describes a different aspect of our relationship with the Lord and who we are in Him. Then, praying in the Spirit as we resist the supernatural rulers of darkness. Bottom line, pick your fight wisely, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, show us how and when to engage our spiritual enemies, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Andrea Mischianti, used by permission. Thanks, Andrea, and God bless you.