"Home Pastures"

Almost forgotten pastures,

Of the place our Dad was raised,

In Honea Path, South Carolina,

Where they honor ancient ways.


As green as those old highlands,

Where the generations rode,

The Scots who went before us,

So much to them is owed.


Before the Revolution,

The first ones came and then,

Took up arms to fight the King,

For freedoms way back when.


The first ones in secession,

Their stubbornness was bold,

Fiercely loyal to their pastures,

And unlikely to be told.


They left those same green pastures,

When their country called to go,

Across the sea to fight again,

And let the whole world know,


That tyrants will not win the day,

And some knees will not bow,

To evil though it’s powerful,

And to the end somehow,


These boys became warriors,

Who fought to make things right,

Don’t ever doubt their courage,

Or wonder if they’ll fight.


And I was raised by men like these,

Who did what must be done,

For honor, God, and country,

Till they their battles won.


I pray that I’ll be worthy,

To stand where they once stood,

Put compromise and fear aside,

And by God’s grace I would,


Carry on the legacy,

Of men whose loyalty,

Never, ever faltered,

It’s who I pray to be.


Almost-forgotten pastures,

The green of hill and vale,

The quiet of the homeland,

Defend her, without fail.

“This is My command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go…” (Joshua 1:9, NLT)

This promise was made to Joshua, who succeeded Moses as Israel’s leader. It was Joshua who would actually lead the people into the Promised Land. Several times the Lord repeated these words to Joshua: “Be strong and courageous!” God was lighting the fire of courage in Joshua’s heart, and letting him know that he was capable of leading the people, with God’s help. It’s important for us to claim this same courage, and appreciate the courage of those who went before us. Our history is full of imperfect people, who had faults just as we do. But what is amazing is that, despite their faults and weaknesses, they accomplished wonderful things. God helped them, and He will help us, too.

Lord, give us the courage we need to do Your will, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Alfredo Rodriguez, alfredoartist.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Alfredo, and God bless you.

Brad McClain