"Hundred Dollar Bill"
He reached in his jeans pocket,
And I didn’t know what for,
My prayers trying to unlock it,
Couldn’t find an open door.
He shook my hand so manly,
The handshake gave to me,
Just like he was my family,
A crisp, green bill you see.
They say that cash Is hard and cold,
But this was not like that,
In fact so warm and soft to hold,
And that is just a fact.
I hadn’t asked for money,
But a hundred dollar bill,
Though you might think it funny,
Was a perfect way to kill,
The thought that I’d been havin’,
And that’s nobody cared,
And out here all night calving,
All alone can get you scared,
That maybe all you’re doing,
Is just a total waste,
And all that you’re pursuing,,
Should somehow be replaced.
But when that wrinkled cowboy,
Gave me that C-note,
It was the Good Lord’s envoy,
His care to me promote.
Sometimes it only takes a smile,
To turn you the right way.
But a C-note every once awhile,
Will really make your day.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:6, NIV)
Show me a stingy person and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t understand God’s grace. Being generous with others shows that we understand and appreciate how generous God has been with us. And generosity is the the standard of New Testament giving. This also positions us to receive even more of what the Lord wants to give us. We can’t outgive God, that’s for sure! And when we give to help someone our faith grows stronger.,
Lord, teach us to be generous, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.