"Jesus Said"

Jesus said He was he Shepherd,

He said He was the Way,

He said that we would bear fruit,

If we would always stay,

Like branches to the grapevine,

That bear increasing fruit,

He said the Kingdom’s near us,

With ax chopping the root,

Of all that can destroy us,

He came to set us free,

And says that if we let Him,

We will be free indeed.

He said He came to save us,

He said if we believe,

He would give eternal life,

And all who do, receive.

He said He was the bread of life,

He said He’d quench our thirst,

He said to seek the Kingdom,

Above all, make it first.

He said lay up your treasure,

Not on earth below,

But above in heaven,

Where none can steal, we know.

He said to love the children,

He said to help the poor,

He said to turn the other cheek,

He said He was the door.

He said if to the least of these,

We would show true kindness,

It was like we’re helping Him,

And cure all of our blindness.

He said to all the demons,

Begone and there they went,

He said He spoke the Father’s words,

To save the lost was sent.

He said that there were hypocrites,

Who had the God franchise,

But only did the righteous acts,

To be praised in men’s eyes.

And they were like white gravestones,

With rottenness inside,

Appearing to be leaders,

But God’s mercy they denied.

He said that He was building,

A church strong on the rock,

Of understanding who He is,

And hell can never stop.

He said if we want greatness,

That we should servants be,

And to be the best of all,

Serve everyone you see.

And if we need forgiveness,

And this includes us all,

We should freely give it,

So that when we call,

God will freely bless us,

Pressed down and more than ever,

And we should let flow right through,

And quench the Spirit never.

Jesus said He was the light,

And then said we’re a city,

Set so high up on a hill,

A-shining there and pretty.

If we will do the good things,

That Jesus said to do,

And if we have been born again,

You know it will be true.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who build His house on the rock…” (Mt. 7:24, NIV)

Jesus said many wonderful things. Hearing them and applying them secures and protects our lives from the storms of life which inevitably come. But who can truly live the life that Jesus describes? None of us unless we are filled with His Spirit. If we are, however, the Spirit of Jesus will live these principles through us. It is the power of His Spirit that enables us to forgive, turn the other cheek, seek the Kingdom first, minister to the least of these and all the rest. That’s why being born of the Spirit is the key to all of it. Otherwise we are attempting something utterly impossible. Not by might, nor by our effort, but always and only by the Spirit.

Lord, empower us to hear and apply everything You say, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain