"Stand Up"

Is the cowboy code outdated and gone,

Replaced by all we once thought was wrong,

Grown so soft that dark is now light,

And traded lies for what’s true and right.


Have we listened to the educated fools,

Who think God gave no steadfast rules.

And worse let liars teach our youth,

Who never let them hear the truth.


The brain-wash started a long time ago,

With a snake in a garden and deceiving, you know.

The snake has his people who now masquerade,

As angels of light, threat can’t be out-weighed.


So this call goes out to strong men with courage,

Who won’t compromise or get discouraged.

And women who pray at the altar with grit,

To fight that old darkness and never will quit.


‘Cause the hearts and the minds of our children at risk,

We must protect, dare not be remiss,

But stand and protect them with all of our might,

Vote, work and pray, and get in this fight.


Don’t be afraid to get up and engaged,

Because that old serpent has everything staged.

But we have the Spirit and God’s Word so true,

Strong is the devil but the Lord’s strong in you.


Draw a line in the sand and never back down,

Blow the loud trumpet, let all hear the sound,

Of the armies of God who lead the attack,

With our hand on the plow and God’s wind at our back.

“You are from God, little chlldren, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4, NAS)

John warns in this passage of the lying, antichrist spirits that influence people and culture. The spirits who deny Jesus are from the enemy. The Spirit of God points to and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord. The spirits of antichrist become bolder and stronger as we get closer to the Lord’s return. All the more reason to stand up for the Lord and righteousness, and remember that the Spirit within us is stronger than any devil.

Lord, empower us to stand up for You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Lloyd Voges, used by permission. Thanks, Lloyd, and God bless you.

Brad McClain