
If she was stranded on some island,

Shipwrecked beyond my reach,

I’d might ponder it awhile then,

Go out and find that beach.


If required to cross a desert,

So extremely hot and dry,

No amount of that old sandy dirt,

Could overwhelm my try.


If she was high upon some mountain,

Or in a valley deep below,

The hours I’d be countin’,

Till I could get to her, you know.


It’s her presence that I long for,

It’s my joy when she is near,

Though she’s mine I want more,

Of who she is when she is here.


And that’s just how the Savior,

Chases us in love to be,

Because of His great favor,

He pursues us don’t you see.


And all the Good Book tells me,

‘Bout the Shepherd seeking sheep,

And just how much He wants to be,

With us and to keep,


Us close to Him forever,

Like a bridegroom with His bride,

His love will fail us never,

In His graces we can hide.


I’m thankful for my lover,

She was always meant to be,

Even more when I discover,

Jesus chases you and me.

“You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain it.” (Psalm 139:5-6, NAS)

The psalmist speak of God’s pursuit. He confesses that there is nowhere that escapes God’s presence. And because God is after us and hems us in from every direction, we are ultimately convinced of His love. When someone comes for you time and again, even when you are uncooperative, you know they mean business. And the Lord who knows us best loves us the most and pursues us faithfully. He wants us, despite our faults and failings. This makes God’s good news good indeed!

Lord, convince us of Your pursuit of us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox. used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain